YOUR CHANCE TO SEE A LAVENDER FIELD IN BLOOM: END OF JUNE TO MID AUGUST There is so much to see and do in Ontario's West Coast! Here is another gem we have recently discovered: LAVENDER WORKS CO. Lavender Farm located at 44702 Newry Road in Brussels, Ontario. This beautiful spot is only a short 23 min picturesque drive from us.
Once there, enjoy a 360 Degree view of the countryside complete with a sprawling lavender field featuring different varieties of lavender. In the shade of trees and gardens beside a gently gurgling fountain there is a boutique where decadent soaps, bath bombs and other lavender products and can be purchased. Be sure to have some lavender ice cream that comes either in a cone or a cup. This was my first time trying it and it is beyond delicious! Tasting it was like absorbing the cooling freshness of this amazing herb on a hot summer day: a truly sublime experience.
Lavender blooms from the end of June to mid August and we still have vacancies available during this time. Come stay with us and make this your perfect day trip. And if you live within the area, take a leisurely drive there one day and see for yourself how amazing this place is! For more information about the Lavender Farm please visit the Lavender Works Co. website: